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  • nicolasbinza

How To Best Use Meta Ads in 2023

Read through any early stage business plan and I bet you will still find the ubiquitous customer profiles and audience demographic. Although this rudimentary segmenting still has a role to play in evaluating market size, relying on them for audience targeting in paid advertising platforms is a thing of the past. Age, gender, location, how much does this really tell you about your audiences likelihood to engage with your products and brand?

Platforms like Meta have years of online behaviour and previous purchase behaviour to help it target the right audiences for a given brand. Accounts which remove demographic and interest based targeting restrictions on their campaigns see significant improvements in performance. The best results come from providing what these AI models need to deliver their best. Quantity and quality of data.

Quality Data & Diverse Creative

In this new era of advertising, data is king. Advertisers need to make sure their tracking is set up correctly. Account structure also needs to be designed with coherence and consistency in mind. Don't combine ads advertising drastically different products or offerings which are likely to engage differing audiences. Within one clear objective, the key is then a diversity of creative content

Different audiences respond to different messages, and varied creative approaches increase the chances of resonating with various segments. AI-powered tools can even assist in generating diverse creative content, allowing advertisers to tailor their campaigns more effectively. Video length, speaking to camera, overlaid text, music, product focus, lifestyle, USP's should all be combined while respecting general platform content best practice.

Leverage new Campaign Types

Meta have launched new advantage + campaigns which can deliver great performance. Tests we have run showed that these campaigns were more effective than conversion campaigns at retargeting engaged audiences and existing customers.

However using them to target new audiences is more complicated. They are designed to identify patterns and signals that make someone more likely to convert then and there. As a result they disproportionally focus on those segments of audiences at the expense of a broader targeting. The inability to exclude audiences on engagement makes it challenging to ensure the campaigns reach new eyeballs. In short these campaigns can't just be implemented as a straight replacement for conversion campaigns. Figuring how best to incorporate them into your existing account structure is a challenge which must be approached with caution, careful measurement and testing.


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